Four tactics to boost your demand generation in 2023

The more your brand is out there building a compelling narrative with your target audience, the higher your chances of gaining their trust, generating demand and developing leads for your business. So how do you go about making this happen?

By integrating content marketing as an essential component of your overall marketing strategy.

A survey by the Content Marketing Institute revealed that 72% of business-to-business (B2B) marketers increased both their engagement and number of leads generated through content marketing while 57% generated sales/revenue.

Many marketers in Southeast Asia, however, are still grappling with how to incorporate effective content-marketing strategies which will cut through the clutter of information in the public domain and actually convert audience into prospects and customers

Regardless of your target audience, getting them to take action calls for well-planned tactics that not only informs and educates, but also captures their interest as a solution to their business challenges, is ultimately the goal.

Consistent, diverse and compelling content will help your brand gain trust and win top-of-their mind recall through every stage of their purchase or subscription phase.

Tactic 1: Plan content to deliver effective, relevant messages

Start by putting the audience top of mind “Who exactly is our audience?” is the single most important question all marketers should ask. Understanding your brand’s target audience and planning your information around their very specific needs is key to boosting demand generation.

Leveraging persona research helps focus your brand’s message to create effective, campaigns. Marketers can save time and money by prioritising topics that are relevant to their audience.

By touching on the audience’s pain points and demonstrating an understanding of their situation, you will increase conversion rates and firmly position your products or services as the solution they need.

Tactic 2: Localise messages to demonstrate relevance and increase engagement

Make your content relevant to the local audience. Researching the parochial concerns, local trends, and national agendas of each target market, and tapping into them, is critical when developing content for demand generation.  

Aside from creating emotional connections with potential customers, your brand must demonstrate an understanding of how its products or services translate into solutions to local challenges. Together, this leads to increased engagement from your target audience, as well as leads and conversions.

Tactic 3: Demonstrate expertise without industry jargon to inspire action

Don’t alienate the audience – speak their language. Content should be written with the target audience in mind. Avoid using industry jargon.

The content should always focus on breaking down complex topics into simple concepts, explaining them in a real-world context, and giving actionable ways to move forward.

When writing for the audience, your content is more likely to engage and educate them on a particular topic, demonstrate its relevance and inspire action.

Tactic 4: Establish customer relationships by using content as a problem-solving tool

Provide a solution to your audience’s pain points. Focusing on problem-solving, instead of promoting your product or service, helps content speak in the language of your audience.

Content should provide useful and actionable information that helps customers with their challenges.

Customers are more likely to value and engage with meaningful, targeted advice, rather than repetitive generic feature lists or brand sales pitches. With the right content, your brand can improve customer relationships through genuine service provisions.


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