About Change Mandate

Change Mandate is a content creation company and we have more than 30 years of business experience working with some of the world’s leading enterprise companies. We focus on technology and professional services and beyond just words, we understand the challenges that businesses are facing.

We call this communicating for success!

Sharing a vision

of Growth

Audiences want to know that your brand is authentic. That you will deliver what you promise and that you understand their challenges.

We write great B2B content that converts into sales – we tell stories that promote the value and benefits of your products and services to capture the attention of your customers and prospects.

Storytelling your


Our content writing experts turn complex technical data resources into engaging long- and short-form media ready content. We understand business so we can interpret what you offer and make it into what your prospects and customers are looking for.

Choosing the

Right Channel

Content is critical, but so is the delivery channel depending what you want to say and who you want to talk to.
We advise the best way to reach those publics and then develop content that is optimised for that channel – be it the snap and speed of a social post, through to the in-depth analytical content that drives thought leadership.

Our Services

We curate compelling content with authentic narratives to position your brand and leadership as the go-to experts in your field and keep your business momentum going.

We curate compelling content with authentic narratives to position your brand and leadership as the go-to experts in your field and keep your business momentum going.

  • In-depth Feature Articles
  • Opinion Pieces
  • Thought Leadership Articles
  • Media Placements
  • Video Storyboards and Scripts


For enhanced brand personality, targeted online campaigns, and deeper audience engagement, count on us to deliver crisp, creative and SEO-oriented content for your platforms.

  • Blog Posts
  • Social Media Posts
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Website Content


Communicating your brand values clearly is crucial to consolidate your image and build trust. We will work with you to grow your business, increase client confidence and achieve your goals.

  • Newsletters
  • Case Studies
  • Marcom Surveys
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • White Papers

Let us help You Communicate for Success